
There isn’t a profession in the country that’s deserving of more respect than the one undertaken by law enforcement officers on a daily basis. Week after week, day after day, hour after hour, they put their lives on the line in order to keep the health and property of the general population safe. It’s a job worthy of the highest laurels of respect and admiration.

Unfortunately, with the law enforcement profession there also oftentimes comes a downside that can manifest itself in a destructive way. Law enforcement officers of all ages, experience, gender and color experience a unique set of stressors and pressures: Police deal with some of the worst that humanity has to offer – violence, greed, anger, hatred – on a daily basis.

  • They may have been engaged in violent, deadly situations that can cause Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, similar in some ways to the problems soldiers returning from war sometimes face.
  • They can be faced with physical injuries incurred in the line of duty that can cause trauma and pain.
  • The hours and shifts can be extremely long and work to sabotage a normal family-life existence.

Law Enforcement and AddictionAll of those stresses, unfortunately, can oftentimes rise to the surface in the form of drug or alcohol addiction. In fact, the statistics in the United States are staggering. According to some statistics, around a quarter – 25% – of all police officers within the United States suffer through some type of addiction. Oftentimes, those addictions are seen in veterans with over ten years of service. But the sad truth is that these type of problems can pop up in any law enforcement officer at just about anytime.

This is an unfortunate problem – and it’s one that must be dealt with. The people that put their lives on the line every day in the United States deserve to have the ability to get the help they need to deal with their problems.

That’s where Scottsdale Recovery comes into the picture.

We deliver effective inpatient drug rehabilitation services for men and women located throughout the Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tucson, Arizona regions. In the several upscale locations Scottsdale Recovery boasts, law enforcement officers who are struggling with addictions can get the drug rehab treatment they need – and deserve.

There are several options for drug rehab in Arizona and rehab in Scottsdale. If you – or someone you know – is ready to search for “drug rehabs near me” and deal with these types of addictions, here’s why the Scottsdale Recovery Center® is the best option:

  • Our drug rehabs offer experienced and elite clinical services that deal with the root of the problem that has prompted the substance abuse
  • As opposed to some other drug rehabilitation centers, the facilities offered have the atmosphere and necessities needed to effectively deal with the problem – including upscale / luxury facilities
  • With life success stories and proactive, ongoing client and alumni support, Scottsdale Recovery Centers help to maintain the progress made before, during and after the stay.

The Scottsdale Recovery Centers can help with police officers and law enforcement members who may be struggling with a wide range of issues. Chemical dependency or substance abuse is only one of the problems that can be addressed. In addition, we can assist with mental health issues and anxiety, repeated relapses, “failure-to-launch” issues, low-self worth or lack of direction issues, and other situations.

Additionally, the Scottsdale Recovery Centers features a staff that is knowledgeable about the unique needs that the law enforcement community requires within their drug rehabilitation. At the Recovery Centers, our therapists and staff work intently to get at the core of the problem that caused the addiction – working to uncover the trauma or problem at its heart and dealing with it openly and decisively.

The Recovery Centers’ mission for the law enforcement officers who require our services – and for anyone else who may be needing what we can offer – is to avoid our patients from slipping back into the familiar relapse cycle, when addicts go in and out of centers. We aim to avoid this problem by creating an intensively therapeutic environment with high-quality living and offering all the different services that will help our guests, including:

  • Medical detoxification
  • Intervention and family guidance services
  • Short-term and long-term intensive outpatient programs
  • Residential treatment center housing locations
  • Relapse prevention workshops
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing
  • 12-Step, Hybrid, and Holistic recovery programs

The Scottsdale Recovery Centers have helped thousands of lives – including a large population of law enforcement officers – throughout Scottsdale and throughout Arizona since their inception in 2007. Looking for proof? Take a look at the different sobriety quotes and reviews we’ve gathered on our website here to see what we’ve done for people and what we can do for your situation.

Most importantly for any law enforcement officer interested in our service… the Recovery Centers are there for you for life. The pressures in your job may not go away – but neither will we. Our network of support offers lifetime checkups, learning tools, meetings, and comradeship to help you in your efforts throughout the rest of your life. It’s an ongoing process – and we’ll be there for you throughout the whole way.


Talk to Someone Who’s Been There. Talk to Someone Who Can Help. Scottsdale Recovery Center® holds the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and is Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Call 602-346-9142.