
Alcohol Addiction


Alcohol Addiction & Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease for which counseling and rehabilitation for alcohol addiction or alcohol abuse is recommended. If you ignore the problem, it will become destructive physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially, tearing apart your relationships as it controls your mind and body.


Alcohol addiction is simply defined as a compulsive need for an intoxicating liquid that is obtained from fermented grain or fruit. These liquids include beer, wine, and other hard liquors. Alcohol is an addictive drug. The more alcohol we drink (and abuse) the more our body comes to depend on it -thus, the nature of addiction.

What is it that makes alcohol so addictive?

Many individuals are genetically predisposed to alcohol addiction. To these people, excessive drinking is a dangerous game, as one’s genetic make-up is a very difficult thing to overcome. People who have a family history of alcohol abuse are more at risks for the issues discussed above including liver disease, brain damage and death as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.The ironic thing about alcohol is that, to your body, it is poison. And in order to ingest alcohol and survive, your body must alter itself significantly. Specifically, your brain and liver undergo changes when you consume alcohol -they literally adapt to this toxin in their midst in an effort to keep you healthy (and breathing!).

Overcoming alcohol addiction can be a long road as the addiction needs intensified treatment. The first step, as in with all addictions, is to admit there is a problem and that alcohol has taken over your life. Getting sober is the next step to recovering from the disease. Certain recovery programs such as 12 step procedures are a good start as well. Counseling is an important element to seeking out the help that is needed. Medications may be provided as well if the need is there. Most importantly having the support of loved ones around will help with the process and get the progression going for a faster recovery.

Having the will to quit drinking before it leads to a more serious path if it hasn’t already, needs to be on a level where one wants and needs the help without someone telling them. Scottsdale Recovery Center® can help you overcome your alcohol addiction.

What is the Scottsdale Recovery Center’s Alcohol Addiction Program?

While the programs represent a solid foundation for success, Scottsdale Recovery Center® believes that individual attention is a key to permanently breaking alcohol addiction. Each patient undergoes an initial assessment and is assigned to a primary therapist that works with the patient throughout his or her treatment.

  • Alternative programs such as recovery based yoga, meditation, massage therapy and equine therapy
  • IOP – Group therapy and individual counseling
  • Daily relapse prevention workshops
  • Family counseling
  • Trauma Therapy (EMDR)
  • Physician Assessment


Furthermore and most importantly, we provide Evidence Based Practices in our group therapy and individual treatment sessions to get to the underlying issues of why one continuously relapses and uses drugs and alcohol. For the best alcohol rehab Arizona call Scottsdale Recovery Center® for all your addiction and treatment needs.

Contact us today at 602.346.9142 for more information and please, don’t wait any longer, as things will get worse without treatment.


alcohol addiction


In need of effective alcohol addiction program? All you need to know

The first thing that I would do if looking for alcohol treatment is find an alcohol treatment near me. In Scottsdale, there are so many alcohol treatment centers and it is up to you to ensure that you pick the right one. According to research, alcohol addiction is one of the worst kind of drug addiction for it has led to the death and misery of many people. When looking for the appropriate alcohol treatment center, this is what you should know.


Detoxification can best be described as the process of getting rid of drug traces from the body system. According to experts, this is usually the most intense phase of fighting alcohol addiction because patients can show severe withdrawal symptoms. Usually, medication is used during the process to alleviate the symptoms. Detoxification is the first step of rehabilitation since it puts the body ready for the expected treatment process.

In-patient vs out-patient

There are different stages of alcohol addiction and that is what brings the difference in the kind of admission you will find. If the addiction has reached severe levels and have totally interfered with the brain of the victim, it is advisable to find them excellent inpatient drug rehab Scottsdale services. If the addiction is not so severe and the patient is capable of making rational decisions then they can receive the treatment from home. Some patients get admitted as in-patients in recovery homes even if the addiction has not reached severe levels. These are patients who want to have a full recovery faster.

Co-occurring disorder treatment

Alcoholism can be a result of other psychological disorders. That is why you may find that someone goes through the best alcohol treatment program but still ends up an alcoholic after a while. Co-occurring disorders are not easy to identify if you are not an expert in alcohol addiction treatment. This should be a good reason for finding a good rehab center with personnel that is well qualified. Alcoholics with co-occurring disorder can’t tell that they have one because their level of dependency has exceeded their ability to control the urge.

Aftercare treatment

Drug addicts in general don’t have a good relationship with the people close to them. You find that they become a nuisance at times and no one would like to associate with them. That is why, quality aftercare is vital because it prepares the addict to face the world as a new being. Without adequate preparation for life after addiction, a recovering addict will find no use in adopting a sober life. Preventing relapse is the best way of ensuring that a recovering patient has been treated successfully.