
Teens and Cocaine with Fentanyl: An Alarming Threat – Recognizing Signs and Preventing Tragedy

Opioid Crisis

Fatal Fentanyl Mixtures: The Top 5 Deadly Drug Combinations

Fatal Fentanyl Mixtures: The Top 5 Deadly Drug Combinations

The opioid crisis has brought into focus the danger of fentanyl, an incredibly potent synthetic opioid responsible for countless overdose deaths. However, what often remains less discussed are the perilous combinations of fentanyl with other drugs that escalate the...

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Signs a Loved One is Super Speedballing

Signs a Loved One is Super Speedballing

The super speedball is fairly recent concoction that is highly addictive and very deadly. Known on the streets as speedball, powerball, or over and under, the original speed ball contained heroin, a depressant, and cocaine, a stimulant. Now the synthetic opioid,...

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National Prescription Drug Take Back Day: April 22, 2023

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day: April 22, 2023

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is April 22, 2023! This day was established to provide access to people looking to dispose of prescription drugs in a safe and simple manner. Part of the day is used to provide education to communities about prescription drug...

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