


Real testimonials by clients, families & professionals

At Scottsdale Recovery Center, clients are given the tools needed to prevent a relapse and attain life-long sobriety. We enjoy hearing from past clients about their successful recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, and encourage you to read through a few their stories. Names may have been changed for confidentiality purposes.










“Dear Scottsdale Recovery Cener, Thank you for all of your help and support in our most difficult of times. People like you make the world a better place, we are very grateful. May God bless you and your families. Scottsdale Recovery Center® saved my life. Much Love.”


Hello, my name is Doug I am currently twenty-six years old and have been struggling with addiction since the age of fourteen. While my life has been anything but perfect, I can say that my stay at Scottsdale Recovery was by far the best choice I’ve ever made! I came to Scottsdale Recovery because i knew i needed a solid, passionate and structured treatment program in order for me to maintain my sobriety. My experience was amazing in every way, the staff treated me with all the respect in the world and worked with me on a personal level. Comparatively, my past programs could never compare to what I have experienced here. The groups allowed me to receive professional advise from amazing counselors and therapists, as well as my peers! Never once did I feel afraid to share my problems and because of that I was able to overcome obsticals that have hindered my recovery in the past. Scottsdale Recovery offers many beneficial services for recovery, including Yoga, Meditation, Gym time and a group outing at the end of each week. Today I’m sober and living a great life, while still in close contact with Scottsdale Recovery Center, which i call my second home! For those of you that are considering taking a step in the right direction, Scottsdale Recovery Center® is the place.


Dear Liza, Chris and Alex, I can’t begin to express to you my appreciation for the care and compassion you have given our son. You have gone above and beyond for him and I don’t know how to thank you enough. This year has been so difficult for us, and at times I am overwhelmed with so many emotions. It’s such a comfort knowing how much you care for him. Knowing you listen to him with a patient ear, a loving heart, and a compassionate soul. You can see through to who our son truly is, and because of you guys and Scottsdale Recovery Center, he is back to the son I know and love. He truly cares for you guys and has immense respect for you, as do his father and I. Thank you Scottsdale Recovery Center, We love you guys.
~L. and Scott B.


Somedays just having the group therapies and relapse prevention classes helps me stay positive, and when I really apply myself in those sessions, I feel like I am growing. That’s what seems to work for me right now and having that is really valuable. Thank you Scottsdale Recovery Center® for giving me this opportunity of sobriety.


My stay here at your organization has been a very positive one. The accommodations are first class and clean. The main office / treatment center being located above a facility that has various meetings addressing different addictions is a huge plus. Kudos to our house manager, she had a tremendous spirit and heart that fills our home with a positive aura as we work our way toward physical and emotional sobriety!


I like your staff here at Scottsdale Recovery Center® as well as the living conditions. I also love the healthy meals, the yoga and meditation classes and the therapists. First class all the way. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, as today i am sober, joyous and free! Scottsdale Recovery Center® ROCKS!! You guys are the best!! Plus having an owner that is in recovery and works a phenomenal program and lives in the principles of AA is a great benefit to us.


The things I enjoy most about Scottsdale Recovery Center® are first and foremost, the living environments. I also enjoy that the North Scottsdale Fellowship is so close as well as our afternoon classes. I feel that it’s helpful to have a sober community this close to where I live. This is beneficial to my sobriety. The support we have from the staff is very nice as well. M and L do a great job managing the houses and relating with the tenants through there own personal experiences and journeys in recovery. Being ex-addicts they can relate to what we are going through on a daily basis. Also if I ever have an issue, Liza Salcedo, Chris Cohn, Alex Salcedo or one of the unbelievably incredible therapists are just a call away to talk to or handle any issue we or I might have. That is a huge help.


My name is Nick, and Scottsdale Recovery Center® changed my life. I entered sober living after graduating from treatment for drug addiction. I had no idea just how much my life would change in the next 6 months that I stayed with Scottsdale Recovery Center. I had nothing when I came into their program, and knew almost no one in the area. Within 3 weeks I had a job, and had met people who are now some of my very best friends. Scottsdale Recovery Center® staff took a huge interest in me. As my time in their program grew longer, they entrusted me with helping others in their houses. I learned that when sober, I am valuable and desirable person to be around and that I can inspire others to success in sobriety. When I made mistakes, I was not thrown to the curb. Scottsdale Recovery Center® was always willing to work with me. Even though my progress in sobriety was very painful at times, they never gave up on me. I now have a support group where I can admit my faults and stay honest without fear of rejection. What I learned while in sober living I will carry with me for the rest of my life. And I am forever grateful for the experience I had there. Thank you Alex, Chris and Liza.
~Nick O


My consequences from multiple years of drug abuse left me physically and mentally handicapped. Losing my leg and vision in my right eye in a car accident left me hopeless and depressed. Turning to drugs and alcohol i become hopeless and desperately needed help, i wanted to live! Scottsdale Recovery Center® took me in and gave me hope. I’m now sober almost a year and finally have the inspiration and self esteem to stay sober and live a succesful life, one day at a time!!
~ Tom D.


The staff at Scottsdale Recovery Center® are all in recovery and therefor I felt comfortable and secure at their houses and trusted that they had my best interest in mind. They helped me find a job which I still have and helped me re-connect with my family. Thank you to Chris Cohn and the staff at Scottsdale Recovery Center, you literally saved my life!
~ Brian H.


Scottsdale Recovery Center® helped me tremendously in transitioning back into society from a treatment center. I’m sober now two years and owe a lot of gratitude to their program.
~ Marco L.


Living in a home surrounded by people trying to recover from drugs and alcohol gave me that much more hope in my own personal journey through sobriety. The staff at Scottsdale Recovery Center® really cares about the clients and unlike other programs, they’re always at the houses and the treatment center helping guys and making sure everything is in order. Scottsdale Recovery Center® was referred to me by my therapist and I’m so grateful to have been a part of their early success. Sober 3 years now!
~ Ben I.