
Lifetime therapy is simply a humanist and people-centered practice that is rooted in compassion, acceptance, and belief in the limitless power of the body to heal.

Addiction Recovery

If you’ve finally made it through detox, including your first 90 days of treatment, congratulations! And if you have not made it through, or perhaps you haven’t started a detox, but have decided to get clean, congratulation as well! The progressive steps in the journey towards lifetime sobriety are not easy for most people, as each step comes with its own set of challenges and obstacles. At any stage of the process, you may start to wonder what the future holds for you. You may have a fear of relapse, and that is completely normal. If you find yourself pondering about staying sober in the future, that goes to show that you are committed to a lifetime therapy program. You don’t want to return to using; you want to heal. This exact mindset is what will help you get and stay sober for life. But you shouldn’t depend on mindset alone. When usage progresses to addiction, it becomes a lifelong battle to fight the urge to use again. Even though it gets easier over time, temptations will always creep in. Not to mention, if you’re also struggling with mental health problems caused by addiction, staying on the right path can be even harder. This is why lifetime therapy is important for maintaining sobriety.

Activities and Goals 

In lifetime therapy, workshops are created to allow people to step away from daily patterns of life that can hinder their growth into a generous non-judgemental space.

In these workshops, you will be motivated to challenge negative thoughts, and realize the effects on your life, and be encouraged to invest in your whole self, body, and mind.

A trained therapist will be available to guide you through this process. The therapist will focus on three virtues: honesty, empathy, and acceptance to form the basis for change and healing.

These changes are often recognized by an increasing ability to live in the moment and to apply self-love and compassion to heal.

With the help of mindful acceptance offered by an honest and empathic practitioner, you will experience improved mental and physical health and freedom from problems.

Impact of Lifetime Therapy in Eradicating Addiction

Many people who want to be free from addiction go through a one-month medical treatment program, which ends abruptly. Most patients get clean after the treatment, but this doesn’t mean it should stop there because staying sober should be a lifetime goal.

Unfortunately, long-term addiction treatment is not covered by most health insurance providers, and this causes a lot of patients to stop seeking assistance. They stop not because they don’t need additional attention and assistant but because their health insurance does not allow for it.

Fortunately, Scottsdale Recovery Center invests heavily in lifetime therapy programs for drug and substance addiction. We know that recovery doesn’t end when a patient leaves treatment; therefore, we incorporate a variety of programs to provide diverse solutions to meet the individual needs of the many lives we serve.

Why Lifetime Therapy is Essential in Addiction

It helps you handle and overcome emotions from stressors and problems

Lifetime therapy enables you to overcome emotional issues resulting from stressors and other problems, even if they are not dramatic or life-threatening. There are problem-solving techniques in this therapy that can help you overcome addiction, depression, and anxiety.

Lifetime therapy is a method of establishing energetic emotional wellness in your day-to-day life. You will learn how to manage your emotions and learn to react very differently than you used to.

You will get a clearer picture of how you appear to other people and how emotions are affecting you daily.

Outpatient sessions

Lifetime therapy programs are mostly outpatient group therapy sessions, patients participate in a therapeutic group setting to learn more about themselves and others, and they share everyday experiences and goals.

This therapy session serves as a support group. Also, everyone participating in this group seeks to better their lives, and they’re doing this having the same understanding of the difficult path ahead.

When a person gets discouraged or falters, the remaining group members will pick them up and help them get back to the right path of sobriety, lifelong sobriety.

Your therapist will hold you accountable to your goals

Your therapist will guide you on how to achieve health goals and any other goals you’ve set for yourself, and he or she will also help you get over any challenge.

You would be accountable for your progress when you have someone to answer to. Lifetime therapy also gives you massive support.

Lifelong sobriety

Lifetime therapy is the solution to patients’ needs, whether it’s little or intense support. It has vast programs that can quickly adapt to the needs of each patient ranging from individual counseling, support groups, and even accountability.

It helps you find purpose

When you speak to a lifetime professional therapist, you will have to open up and talk about the struggles you’re going through and where you would like to go from there.

This helps you work towards your goal and boosts your confidence. It also gives you peace of mind and ultimately adds more meaning to your life.

Lifetime therapy helps you dissect a problem and find ways to solve it

A professional therapist can help you formulate a plan to make a significant change in your life. He or she can also help you strategize a way out of any hardship you might be going through.

You will learn about perspective and how to look at situations from a different angle. You will be able to see problems without feeling overwhelmed with sadness or anxiety, even though the problems persist.

This will help you recontextualize the problems you are going through to create strategies that will help you move forward.

Why counseling is beneficial for those with substance abuse disorder

The following principles aim to better the chances of success in treatment by moderating or ending drug use, reducing the risk of relapse, and helping the person battling with this disorder achieve success in a lifetime of sobriety.

  • Addiction is a multifaceted issue, but can still be treated effectively.
  • Treatment must be directed to the individual and not their drugs of choice.
  • Treatment can be beneficial even if the victim goes involuntarily. (Eventually, the substance abuser’s participation in treatment will influence their path towards recovery).
  • Counseling and behavioral therapies are highly utilized, and the best available treatment options for substance abuse.

Common types of therapy for substance abusers

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): They help a person recognize thoughts, moods, situations, and circumstances that can make them more susceptible to drug cravings. Your therapist will teach you processes of combating the desires, and how to avoid the triggers. You’ll be taught how to replace negative thoughts with positive ones that will help you always to stay clean. The skills you will learn through CBT will last you a lifetime, making it a powerful treatment method.
  • Contingency Management Therapy: This process provides positive incentives to stay clean, extra privileges in treatment, vouchers for goods and services, etc.
  • Motivational Interviewing: This is another method that aims to assist people in uncovering the internal motivation that will be needed to change their behavior, and tackle obstacles holding them back in their recovery.
  • 12-Step programs: Alcoholics Anonymous founded this program; it is a global, community-based program created to assist those battling with alcohol addiction. The help of peers guides members in the program through daily meetings and discussions concerning addiction.

Why you should continue attending therapy 

Counseling does several things like:

  • Addresses flaws in reasoning, and teaches the victim to modify them productively.
  • Helps the person combat negative behaviors and thoughts.
  • Provides coping skills and methods.

Recovery is a lifelong journey, so is working on your well-being and mental health. Learning coping methods and skills of combating harmful and dangerous thoughts will make a world of difference in your addiction treatment. Even if you are totally sober, and have no desire to turn back to a life of addiction, going to counseling regularly will only serve to favor you in all areas of your life. Lifetime therapy is vital and helps people strive and grow to become the best of they can be.

Talk to Someone Who’s Been There. Talk to Someone Who Can Help. Scottsdale Recovery Center® holds the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and is Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Call 602-346-9142.