
Staying sober when you are in recovery is never easy. Nearly 40% of all people who try to get clean do relapse at least one time during their journey to sobriety. It’s important to know that relapsing can cost you a lot though. The following guide walks you through a few of the repercussions that can come with a relapse.

Loss of Trust from Friends and Family

If you lose control and start using drugs again, it could cause your friends and family to lose trust in you. You will fit the stigma that once your someone in active addiction you’re always in addiction. This doesn’t have to be the case though.

Whether you relapse one time or have a few hiccups in your journey, you need to be honest with the ones you love. Don’t try to make excuses or lie about the situation. Your family and friends will have more respect for you and trust you more in the long run if you tell the truth right away. It will be hard to do at first because you know they will be disappointed, but it’ll be worth it in the end.

Loss of Faith in Yourself

When someone in recovery relapses, they tend to be very hard on themselves. They lose faith that they can quit for good and end up giving up on sobriety altogether. Don’t make this mistake. If you tried to get sober on your own and failed, simply try again. Consider enlisting the help of professionals to better your chances of long-term success.

There are inpatient and outpatient treatment programs available. They allow you to learn to identify your triggers and avoid them. They also help with treating other psychological issues you may have. Many people in active addiction, self-medicate without even knowing it. Treating mental issues properly can make staying sober easier.

When you finally get sober you often feel elation and pride, that you may not have felt in a long time. When you relapse, it can feel like all of your joy slips away. Many people who relapse fall into a deep depression when they relapse because they are so disappointed in themselves. It’s important to get help as soon as possible. The longer you use, the more depressed you’ll become and the harder it will be to regain your sobriety.

Loss of a Job

If your boss does a random drug test and it shows you are using again, you could be fired. Many people in active addiction make the mistake of assuming that they are protected by the FMLA when they are in active addiction. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. The FMLA protects your job while you are in treatment for drug addiction. If you are caught using by your boss, you can be fired on the spot.

If you do fail a drug test at work, try talking to your boss. Many insurance providers now cover addiction treatment. If you tell your boss that you are willing to go to treatment, they may give you a second chance at your job. It isn’t guaranteed he or she will give you a second chance, but it’s worth a shot.

Loss of Freedom

When someone in active addiction is arrested, the courts will often provide them with the opportunity to seek help for their addiction. This opportunity often comes with the stipulation that the person must pass random drug tests. If you fail one of these tests, you may be sent to jail for breaking a judge’s order to get and stay clean. The penalties can vary from judge to judge.

Many judges try to teach people about illegal drug use by putting those who fail drug tests into jail. It makes it easier to stay clean because there aren’t as many temptations around you. It’s not common for judges to give people a second chance to get clean. If you relapse, it shows the judge you don’t care as much as they feel you should. Jail may seem like the only way to get you clean from drugs.

Loss of Your Life

Unfortunately, relapsing can be very dangerous physically. When people in recovery start using after being sober for an extended period of time, they don’t know their limits. Many people use the same number of drugs they used before they got sober. This often leads to an overdose because their body can no longer handle the high number of drugs.

Another reason why using after being sober for a long time is so dangerous is that you will more than likely settle for any drugs you can get your hands on. This means that you could end up using heroin when you think you are using meth. Using a drug your body isn’t used to van also lead to an overdose.

Relapses are more common than you want to think. It’s important to do everything you can to prevent a relapse from happening. This includes meeting with a mental health professional, going to group meetings with others in recovery and choosing a sponsor.

A sponsor is someone you can rely on during your journey to sobriety. You can call them whenever you are tempted to use and even confide in if you do relapse.

If a relapse does happen, it’s best to get help right away. The least you use, the better your chances of getting back on the wagon will be. You have to make the decision to get and stay clean. No one can force you to do something you don’t want to do. Take control and get your life back on track as quickly as you can.

Talk to Someone Who’s Been There. Talk to Someone Who Can Help. Scottsdale Recovery Center® holds the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and is Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Call 602-346-9142.