
Addiction is a disease that causes a great toll on a person but this doesn’t mean that life ends there. There are plenty of ways to overcome it. In fact, this is the reason why rehabilitation facilities are put up; to help those who want to recover from their substance addiction. While the process of recovery is not often glamorous, there are plenty of things to learn from it as you get yourself together for that new life ahead. 

Now, there are a number of good things that you will learn while in recovery, but we have narrowed down seven important things that you must take with you as you get out of rehab. Here’s what you need to know:

Change, as hard as it can get, is POSSIBLE

Going into rehab may feel like the end of the world for an addict because it means that they will go through detoxification and withdrawal; extremely painful and uncomfortable processes. Some are simply just scared of the changes that could happen but tell you what, recovery is the best place to “reset” your life and change everything. When you think about it, not a lot of addicted people are given the chance to change and start on a clean slate. Sure, you may kick and scream the first time around but when you hit rock bottom, there’s no other way but up. Change is possible; it may be back-breaking, “bone-crunching” but once you come out of it, you will understand that all the purging and cleansing you have gone through is for the best version of you. Picture yourself as a healthy, successful professional, a caring partner, and a loving friend – YES this can happen to you. It takes a lot of hard work and commitment, counseling, adjusting your lifestyle and letting go of old habits but recovery can help you become the person you have always wanted to be. Change is very possible and you can do it. 

It’s OKAY to ask for help 

We all know the feeling of asking for help. It’s like this – you have a problem and you feel like you have to fix it on your own; no one should be involved, period. However, this kind of mentality is not always the best way to go. The longer you carry a problem, the more it becomes a burden. And when the burden becomes heavy, you will eventually crack and need some help in order to make it! But, why wait for the burden to become heavy? It’s true, asking for help is “embarrassing”, but remember that our strength has it’s limits and we need others to help us. Remember the saying “No man is an island” – this means you cannot survive on your own. You need someone to help you get through your addiction. And never feel that you are a burden because those who genuinely care for you will help you make your life a little bit easier and happier. Don’t be afraid to accept help when you need it. Same thing when someone needs your help. Recovery is the best place to ask for help and accept help when it is offered.

You have to EMBRACE your strengths

Rehabilitation programs usually involve the 12 Steps program where you learn how to evaluate yourself. This program teaches you to see yourself as a person and check what needs improvement. It is also important to correct all the bad things that addiction brought upon you but at the same time emphasize your strengths. Recovery teaches you to love yourself and helps you take hold of the strengths that you have. Embracing your strengths teaches you to become the best possible version of yourself. So, what are your best assets? Are you funny, creative, intelligent, loving? – your positive traits must be embraced, enhanced, and focused on so you can enjoy a healthy and sober life ahead!

Being honest is the best

Recovery is not about doing what is easy but rather doing what is right. One of the things that recovery can teach you is being honest with yourself. Lying to people about your addiction and lying to yourself about it puts your life in danger. When you are in recovery, honesty really is the best policy. Being honest about your addiction helps you stay focused on getting better. In fact, it also makes you accountable for your actions. It also helps strengthen your relationships, may it be to yourself or loved ones. Of course, being honest at all times can be hard but it’s all about your integrity and taking responsibility for your actions in the end.

You get to learn how to have fun again

The question here is that, can you still have fun without drugs and alcohol involved? YES. A big, fat, juicy YES! Having fun does not mean get high and do irresponsible things, as you did before. In fact, recovery teaches you to learn how to have fun in a positive and healthy way. You can learn a lot of new things that you haven’t done before like taking an art class, doing yoga, going to places you have never visited before, learn how to cook or volunteer – the possibilities are endless but all of these will not be possible if you are still addicted to drugs and alcohol. Of course, not all of them may be to your liking, but it will make you feel better to go out there and give them a shot! It’s taking hold of your life again and not be controlled by drugs or alcohol. Recovery will teach you how important it is to be happy and enjoy these new hobbies as you face your new life ahead.

Self-care is just as important

If you take a look back at your life when you were addicted to substances, how did you took care of yourself? Were you able to sleep well? How about taking the time to relax and enjoy a meal? Did you exercise or you simply slump over when the drug takes over? How many times have you taken a nice relaxing shower? Perhaps you can’t even remember! – All of these things are the negative impact that drugs and alcohol had on you. Recovery teaches you to be kinder to yourself. Being able to relax and enjoy a good bath is something precious, eating healthy and exercising too – recovery teaches you to be actively involved with yourself as it is crucial for your mental and physical health.

Living life in the present

We cannot erase what has been done in the past but you can CHOOSE to shift your focus from it. You can either choose to relive the past or walk away and say hello to your future. Do not let your past mistakes become a hindrance to what you can achieve in the present. Learn from your mistakes. Recovery teaches you that living in the present is your key to success and happiness. It may be a big challenge to tackle but if you focus on the positive things in life then you can handle these obstacles. Focus on what keeps you healthy and happy, live your life to the fullest. Choose to have inner peace, always.

Recovery is all about focusing on yourself, letting go of the past, embracing your strengths and focusing on your future. Of course, these things take time as you cannot be sober overnight, but remember that you are the key to your own happiness. Stay committed and dedicate to getting better. You just need to trust the process, you will be a lot happier in the end, good luck!

Talk to Someone Who’s Been There. Talk to Someone Who Can Help. Scottsdale Recovery Center® holds the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and is Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Call 602-346-9142.