Substance Abuse in Rural vs. Urban Areas
Substance abuse is an issue that can affect anyone despite the boundaries of countries, ethnicity, gender, caste, religion, etc. If there is one thing that fuels substance abuse, it is the mind. A stressful, tensed, and depressed mind can be anywhere in the world, but...
How Can You Fight Drug Addiction If You Are An Athlete
When the competition gets tough and the pressure on the field gets worse, athletes often resort to the use of certain steroids to help improve performance while dealing with the stress. According to one anonymous survey, as many as 57% of world-class athletes admitted...
How Does Addiction Happen?
Addiction doesn’t discriminate. Anyone can become addicted to any substance at any time. Many people are surprised to learn that someone they know or are close to struggles with substance abuse issues because we always think “that could never happen to me or anyone in...