Drug abuse is referred to as the non-medical use of drugs that may compel the person to develop physical or psychological dependence. People who are inclined towards drugs abusing often think that the only trouble they are going to get into is being caught by the law...
When there are dark clouds looming or it’s been raining for days, you may feel lazy and lethargic. On the other hand, you might feel motivated and focused on bright, sunny days. You can’t deny the impact of weather on your mood and overall health. However, it’s a...
Steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs have long been present throughout sports. An athlete’s career depends on their physical ability to deliver so it shouldn’t come as a huge shock that substances that heighten talent are abused, even if they’re banned. What...
Think you know drugs? Think again. While it’s commonly accepted that street drugs are bad news, there is worse yet. Outside (and occasionally inside) the United States, there are drugs manufactured that might make an addiction to well-known drugs seem like child’s...