Addiction Stats: Alcohol Addiction Rates Increase As the Economy Goes Down
The use of alcohol is expensive as it costs the United States $185 billion in annual expenses. Even then, historically, economic recessions have favored alcohol more than any other intoxicant. When the economy goes down, consumption of alcohol increases notably while...
Celebrating National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month 2020
Every year, thousands of people across the globe develop a substance abuse disorder and suffer from the physical and psychological effects of being addicted to a harmful substance. If statistics are to be believed, approximately 4 million people in the United States...
Addiction in Teens
Nearly 50% of teens use an illegal drug in high school while it’s 43% in college students. Half of them belong to the age group of 12 to 17 and that’s quite an alarming figure. Since almost 30% of all drug use happens on school property, it’s important to know just...