
The Fourth of July is a day of celebration with parties, gatherings, and lots and lots of drinking. For those that have been making strides in their sobriety, it can be a difficult holiday that challenges their willpower! Whether you are just starting your recovery journey or have gone the long haul, a day drizzled with beverages everywhere can tempt even the most committed person. We are sharing some pointers on how to stay on the straight and narrow while celebrating this Independence Day!

Know your own personal limits! If you are opting for a party that will leave your surrounded by alcohol, it’s important to know your limits! If you know you can plan to have one drink and stop there, than plan to stick to your plan! If you know that one drink will most likely turn into 2, than 3, and so on … it may be best to limit your intake to NO alcohol.

BYOB aka Bring Your Own Beverages! Maybe you are planning no alcohol on your day of celebration. That’s great! Why not bring your own tasty non-alcoholic beverage to enjoy so you have something on hand you like!

Peer pressure! No matter how long you have been at your sobriety, seems like there is someone who will always offer you a drink. Have your go to response ready – like nah, I am good (and since you are bringing your own beverages you’ll already have a drink in hand, maybe even diverting people from asking.

Get active! Sure the Fourth of July is about socializing but why not get active while you are there! Hitting the water? Go out on a paddleboard or boat! Jump in and take a swim! Give yourself some active options to keep the good times rolling and perhaps as an escape route if you should feel too tempted to drink!

Summer holidays can challenge your recovery but it doesn’t mean they get to win! Stay sober and clean and you will be glad you did!

If you or a loved one are in need of help, please reach out to our team at Scottsdale Recovery Center. We support you through the trauma and aim to help you get sober and stay sober. We hold the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and are Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Connect today at 866-519-2509.

Talk to Someone Who’s Been There. Talk to Someone Who Can Help. Scottsdale Recovery Center® holds the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and is Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Call 602-346-9142.