
Alcohol is Easy to Get

Part of what drives alcohol addiction is the relative ease of obtaining alcoholic drinks – though legally, young people aren’t allowed to have alcohol, adults may purchase alcohol for the child, if they so choose. Alcohol and addiction to alcohol reached dangerous new heights when binge-drinking culture went mainstream in the early 2000s. Binge-drinking culture has also contributed to a sharp rise in alcohol poisonings, and alcohol-related fatalities – both in homes and on the road.

alcoholic beverageYoung people dealing with alcoholism in themselves often tap their parents’ or caregivers’ supply. The taste of some alcoholic drinks is always preferred over the taste of others, but alcohol remains part of the dangerous mix. It’s not unusual for young people to experiment with alcohol – many remember drinking for the first time in high school. Kids from alcohol-addicted homes will often repeat the cycle themselves, though many others see the ill effects of alcohol, and choose to avoid it entirely.

Those who do choose to try alcohol have no guarantee of immediately losing control, but put themselves at risk. Besides the ease of getting alcohol, many people enjoy the feeling of drunkenness. In social situations, it can make some people more relaxed and sociable, even if they aren’t normally interested in the party scene. Adding any drugs to this scene can end badly for anyone tempted to try mixing drugs with alcohol.

Alcohol Exacerbates the Effects of Other Drugs

Mixing drugs is never a good idea, unless a licensed doctor has prescribed a specific regimen. Doctors and pharmacists are aware of the dangers and effects of mixing certain drugs, and do so with caution and care. People who use drugs recreationally don’t always have the foresight, knowhow, or ability to measure safe dosages of different substances when it comes to mixing drugs.

Considering the ill effects that can be felt when a person is using one type of drug, adding alcohol can be very, very dangerous. Some highs can last much longer than anticipated. Some drugs, when mixed with alcohol, may cause a quick fatality. And yet, some individuals regularly use a combination of alcohol and hard drugs as a part of their lifestyle. While there’s no special formula that will predict how long a person will survive that lifestyle, keeping oneself safe means avoiding alcohol while using other drugs.

Alcohol Plays a Part in Other Crimes

‘Sorry, I couldn’t think about it.’
‘I didn’t know. I was drunk.’
‘I don’t remember saying that.’
Every one of these lines are commonly heard from persons dealing with alcoholism. From sexual assault to vehicular homicide, alcohol can play a role in the commission of a list of crimes, often violent, against other people. At the end of the day, the person drinking is the responsible party, but there is nothing uncommon about excessive alcohol intake, and its heightened effect on violence. Alcohol can be involved in instances of domestic violence, sexual assault (as is the case with hundreds of students every year on college campuses), physical altercations, car accidents, and murder. People living with alcoholism who happen to also be violent individuals are a danger to themselves, and to others, and may not be aware that they need help.

Drugs are a factor in a huge percentage of crime in the United States, but the United States is hardly alone – most every developed country has some type of issue with drugs and alcohol across the entire population. With addiction to drugs and alcohol also comes stealing as a means to support the habit. This creates new problems in a community that may end in violence as robberies are botched, or a person stands up to defend themselves or their property.

Alcohol is as Social as it is Solo

The ease of obtaining alcohol is also part of the reason that it is so widespread – this affordable mood enhancer can be just a few dollars, and down the street from anyone’s home, and it is perfectly legal to buy as much alcohol as you want. Despite the often-advertised dangers of too much alcohol consumption, many people still often drink to excess. By some standards, it’s heavily drinking alone that can make someone an alcoholic. In reality, whether a person is alone, or constantly drinking with friends isn’t relevant.

The only concern is and should only be the amount of alcohol that any one person regularly takes in. Two glasses of wine with dinner every now and then is a world away from ten shots every couple of days. The relatively new culture of binge drinking, particularly on college campuses, had given rise to greater awareness of issues of alcohol poisoning, and alcoholism.

Vulnerable Populations

Odd though it may seem, college students are quite vulnerable to alcoholism. High stress, new environment, and new pressures can drive young people down a narrow, dangerous road to serious injury or death. Though most make it through college without stumbling, people can easily become addicted to alcohol during college due to the large, readily available supply, and a large number of people willing to participate.

Motorists are also vulnerable to the effects of alcohol. When a person chooses to drive home after drinking, the risk of an accident skyrockets – one to two drinks literally doubles the possibility of an accident. Drunk drivers themselves are absolutely at risk during this time. At greater risk are the other motorists.

Another population vulnerable to the effects of alcohol is family members and friends of people living with alcoholism. Considering how alcohol affects situations of domestic violence, it is an understood fact that alcoholic homes can become abusive homes for spouses and children of alcoholics.

Scottsdale Recovery Center is dedicated to making a better world for motorists, college students, and everyone else by providing the best possible care in a warm and supportive environment.

Talk to Someone Who’s Been There. Talk to Someone Who Can Help. Scottsdale Recovery Center® holds the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and is Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Call 602-346-9142.