
5 Ways to Help a Loved One Suffering from Addiction

If you love something too much to the point of losing control over it, then you are addicted. It could be drugs, alcohol, or any other unwanted behavior or substance. Maybe you aren’t addicted to anything harmful, but someone close to your heart is. Helping that person to beat the addiction takes education, patience, and empathy.

Every addiction case is unique, so there isn’t a one size fits all solution. Some cases are so severe that they call for medical intervention to be subdued. Others are mild and can be overcome with a few calculative strategies. If you need to help a loved one who suffers from an addiction of whichever kind, here are 5 tips for you.

  1. Identify and get to the root of the problem

What is the person’s addiction and how severe is it? Is the person willing to get help or does he/she need some convincing? Which convincing techniques would work on him or her? Take your time to understand the situation and strategize. Your primary job is to make the affected person understand that all is not well. Give them examples and specific scenarios of people who went down the addiction path and ended up messing up their lives. Be sure to explain your concerns candidly and with as much love as possible.

  1. Learn more about addiction and available treatment options

With the intentions clear to everyone, it is now time to examine whether the addiction case is mild, moderate or severe. Find a qualified health professional to administer the S-BIRT for clarification. S-BIRT, or Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment is a set of tools used to identify and assess problematic substance use, prevent mild substance use from advancing to severe cases, and refer a victim to substance use disorder treatment where necessary.

Note that the more informed you are in regards to addiction, the easier it will be for you to help your loved one. Be sufficiently equipped to provide therapy and counseling when called upon to. It is actually a brilliant idea to consult a life coach on how to best approach the addict respectfully and effectively. Luxury drug rehab Arizona hires only the best therapists and life coaches.

  1. Maintain open communication channels

Constantly talking about addiction, treatment progress, and everything about the recovery process is important. Addiction can affect someone’s social life and jeopardize relationships. Be there for your loved one even when they don’t want to talk. If he/she wants time alone, give it to them but don’t be too distant. And if being supportive and available doesn’t seem to be enough to gain the trust of the affected person, try something different such as going on a vacation with him/her. You can visit Florida, for example, and spend quality time together in a vacation rental in Florida where you will be able to chat freely without any external interference.

  1. Be compassionate and empathetic

Compassion and empathy are two key ingredients that will help you gain the trust of your depressed friend or relative. If you want him/her to understand how his/her addiction affects his friends and relatives, you need to be different from everyone else. Be the least “judgy” or harsh of them all. Being empathic also means not focusing on the negatives and wrongs that the addict is doing or has done and instead focusing most of your energy on talking about the benefits of treatment.

There are many proven ways of showing compassion to an addiction victim. You can, for example, arrange for a hiking trail– just you and him/her- and while at it, show compassion by asking open questions, listening and encouraging, and generally being part of the addict’s therapy. Avoid focusing on the person’s guilt or shame as that can negatively affect the relationship you have built and jeopardize their chances of recovery.

  1. Cultivate a rapport

A good rapport will help you get the right message across. Make it clear that you are there to help but not to control. Let them know you respect their privacy. Recommend seeking professional help from a life coach and arrange for the same. Before you do that, make sure to let them know what is life coaching in essence so they understand the process and the benefits that come from taking such classes. Let them know you are concerned and helpful. Keep your words and actions by giving a clear and consistent message. Be very careful not to criticize the addict. Be consistently honest. Lastly, do not expect immediate change on the part of the addicted as that can easily lead to unwanted frustrations. If you’re looking for the best drug rehab in Arizona call Arizona Addiction Recovery Center.


Addiction can be either physical or emotional- or both. It needs to be handled delicately as it is life-threatening when in severe stages. Note that recovery from any addiction takes time and commitment but is always successful with a comprehensive treatment plan. Always give hope to the addict in the process because when hope fades, the chances of recovery diminishes significantly. Call Scottsdale Arizona best drug rehab for more information, Scottsdale Recovery Center.


Talk to Someone Who’s Been There. Talk to Someone Who Can Help. Scottsdale Recovery Center® holds the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and is Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Call 602-346-9142.