
When you suspect that your spouse has an addiction problem, it’s sometimes difficult to come to grips with the concept that it is happening to someone who you’ve been married to and trust. Many spouses mistake signs of addiction for stress, exhaustion, or burnout. Below are a few signs of addiction and what you need to do to help them recover.

Facts About Drug Addiction

what to do with an addicted spouseIt’s important to understand what exactly drug addiction is. According to, addiction can be defined as a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. The important word in that definition is “disease” as that is indeed what addiction is; not the moral shortcoming many people think it is. There are many reasons why someone may become addicted to drugs, including environment, biology and genetic factors. Regardless of how someone becomes addicted, the key is to recognize when it’s happening and get your spouse help quickly.

Signs To Look For

If you notice any of these signs in your spouse or partner, it’s critical that you seek help immediately from a treatment, detox and recovery center to get them the help they need:

  • Glazed expressions
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Abandoning social activities
  • Behavioral changes such as aggression, confusion or anything else out of the ordinary
  • Memory or cognitive problems
  • Theft in your household/unexplained missing items
  • Unexplained injuries or body mark
  • Going through a significant amount of cash or savings
  • Unexplained credit card debt
  • Increase of strangers in your home
  • Other physical signs including sweating, weight gain/loss, flushed or ashen skin

While any of these may be the symptom of something other than drug addiction, it’s critical to confront your spouse and learn the truth. Drug recovery professionals can guide you through this conversation.

What To Do If Your Spouse Has A Drug Addiction

Ask for help immediately. More than anything else, getting help for your spouse as quickly as possible once you determine there is an addiction is critical. Many spouses or partners will try to address the problem on their own without seeking professional help. This often fails as spouses are ill-equipped to help their significant other overcome addiction. Even worse, a spouse may sink further into addiction without the proper, professional help they need, and may die from their addiction. Find a facility that helps with intervention and family guidance. Having a spouse with an addiction is nothing to be embarrassed about. The key is to get help as quickly as possible. Turning to a professional facility such as Scottsdale Recovery Center can make the difference between success and failure.

Understand that you have a tough road ahead dealing with your partner’s recovery. Be supportive. Don’t blame or judge your partner. Take care of yourself by staying healthy and positive. Learn everything you can about addiction, what triggered your spouse, and how to help them avoid those triggers in the future. Don’t avoid the issue, and don’t cover it up. This trying time may also tempt you to drink or eat more than usual; don’t fall unto that temptation. Family is an integral part of an addict’s recovery, and you need to be involved every step of the way.

If your spouse has an addiction, pick up the phone and contact a treatment professional immediately. They will work with your spouse, and your family, to create lasting success in sobriety, recovery and life beyond rehab!

Talk to Someone Who’s Been There. Talk to Someone Who Can Help. Scottsdale Recovery Center® holds the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and is Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Call 602-346-9142.