Common Triggers That Addicts Deal With
Triggers have the capability to knock recovering addicts off the road to recovery, which makes them one of the most dangerous things you can encounter upon leaving rehab. A trigger is anything that an addicted person’s brain associates with getting “high” that may...
5 Tips for Dealing With Cravings
Cravings are a completely normal part of the addiction recovery process. However, the effects can be overwhelming at times, and you may find yourself coming up with all kinds of excuses as to why you should start using again. This is why it is important that you...
What Are Triggers? How Can You Handle Them?
It’s quite normal for addicts to relapse at least once while they’re in recovery. It can be hard to completely rid oneself of temptation before they get clean for the last time. The emotional and physical indications, which make us feel like having the...