What If Someone You Know Is An Addict?
People close to someone, who is struggling with an addiction, often look for ways to bring them back on track. Even though their support has higher chances of pulling an addict out of this misery, it is not easy. The decision to try and get someone you know out of an...
What Does Addiction to Meth Look Like?
Meth is one of the most widely abused drugs these days. This drug takes an extreme physical and psychological toll on the body, making it one of the most dangerous drugs sold on the streets today. It can affect the user’s brain and body where the signs and symptoms...
Common Mental Health Issues Addicts Suffer From
People with substance abuse disorder (SUD) are usually diagnosed with a co-occurring mental health disorder. When this happens, the person is said to have a dual diagnosis. This means that a person with dual diagnosis must be given an integrated treatment plan that...