
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide or NAD is a vitamin B3 derived component for cells in order to make energy. When a hydrogen atom (H) is attached to NAD, it is then converted and activated to NADH. When hydrogen is added to oxygen, NADH helps create energy stored to adenosine triphosphate or ATP. This ATP is the one responsible for fueling the body, skeletal muscle, brain and especially the heart. 

Low levels of NAD is primarily associated with weakness, pain, chronic fatigue, and even drug and alcohol addiction. It is also the main contributor to feelings of anxiety, insomnia, depression and other chronic illnesses. NAD can be given intravenously and is very helpful in restoring cellular energy systems. It can also help increase energy as well as relieve any pain, mood shifts, and even addiction. 

How NAD Create Energy

When we eat food, our body breaks it down to carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These will then enter the citric acid cycle which produces NADH. The NADH is now “charged” and is ready to combine in the cell called mitochondria along with oxygen. These mitochondria are like little batteries that when combined with hydrogen and oxygen can fire up and produce energy (ATP) and water. Any cell in the body is composed of thousands of mitochondria that is basically needed in order to produce energy inside of it. 

Mitochondria can be easily damaged by a number of toxins that cause free radical damage. Mitochondria can be damaged by drugs, cigarette smoking, chemicals like parabens, pesticides, benzene etc and even electromagnetic waves coming from cell phones and wifi. Not only that but lack of exercise, chronic stress and nutritional deficiencies can also impair the growth as well as energy production of mitochondria. That is why taking food supplements, keeping a well-balanced diet and plenty of exercises can help nourish the powerhouse cells of your body. 

Does NAD Work for Mood Disorders and Addiction?

There have been many instances where NAD is used in therapy for mood disorders and addiction. This is because NAD helps in detoxifying the brain and at the same time replenishes the neurotransmitters that the brain needs in order to function. In fact, NAD is responsible for providing amino acids that supply neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. All of which helps in detoxing drugs and alcohol in the body and helps suppress the withdrawal cravings as it maintains recovery for a long time. Call Scottsdale Recovery Center® for NAD Treatment in Arizona. We are one of the few treatment centers offering NAD in Arizona.

How NAD Helps Our Body

In newer research, NAD does not only help addiction but is overall responsible for maintaining the cell’s health. As we age, NAD tends to decrease in production. This is also the reason why many scientists, biochemists, as well as researchers are paying close attention to studying it so they can further improve its function. But the good news is, NAD helps our body in many ways. Here’s how they can do that:

  • Aging – by the time we reach the age of 60, our NAD level is down to half compared to its number during our 40s. As we age, our bodies can no longer replace the cells with new ones and if you don’t take care of your body, this can decline even at a young age. 
  • Alcohol – the basis of making alcohol is sugar. Once we consume alcohol, our bodies take time to process it. It is our body’s responsibility to detoxify these enzymes in order for our NAD to function properly. Once the sugar is detoxified, this is then turned into an enzyme that is needed by NAD.
  • Fats – one of NAD’s functions is to metabolize energy. After eating food, NAD turns this into energy in order for us to stay healthy. NAD does this by turning itself into NADH which helps in burning proteins and fats in the cells.
  • Carbohydrates – NAD helps convert carbohydrates into energy because it play a big role in glycolysis. Glycolysis is the process wherein our bodies turn sugar into energy. Without NAD, our bodies will have a hard time converting it into useful properties. 
  • Sleeping – our bodies follow a circadian rhythm and with the production of NAD, we are able to regulate our body’s temperature, hormones, and metabolism on a 24-hour cycle. Not only that, NAD helps our circadian rhythm to be in sync which prevents us from sleep deprivation. 
  • Sunlight – NAD helps activate sirtuin proteins and at the same time creates the energy needed by the body after a prolonged sun-exposure. Too much sun can be a bad thing but with the help of NAD, our body can respond properly to too much sunshine. 
  • Muscles – whenever we do physical activity, our muscles and body need recovery. NAD helps our muscles when we are engaged in strenuous exercises so we can easily recover after every workout. It has also been found out that moderate to light exercises can also help in producing and increasing NAD levels.
  • Breathing – we all need oxygen in order to survive but sometimes, metabolism of oxygen can affect other parts of a cell. This imbalance is known as oxidative stress but since NADPH is important as part of the body’s defense, it is depleted during oxygen metabolism. Keeping a good level of NAD can help your body with that. 


NAD can be used as part of managing your addiction. It is usually given through a slow IV drip intravenously. It can take 3 to 4 hours or 8 to 10 hours depending on the dosage given as well as the flow rate tolerated by patients. If you are suffering from mood disturbances, fatigue, and other chronic illnesses, 3-4 hours series each day is usually recommended. On the other hand, those who are suffering from drug and alcohol addiction are recommended to undergo an 8-10 hour drip per day. Various amino acids are also included to help restore or replace the damaged neurotransmitters. Oral NAD supplements are also given after the IV treatment series is done to help prolong the recovery of each patient. 

Talk to Someone Who’s Been There. Talk to Someone Who Can Help. Scottsdale Recovery Center® holds the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and is Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Call 602-346-9142.

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