
When the competition gets tough and the pressure on the field gets worse, athletes often resort to the use of certain steroids to help improve performance while dealing with the stress. According to one anonymous survey, as many as 57% of world-class athletes admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs in a year. Drug addiction, therefore, becomes a prevalent issue amongst a wide range of athlete types, which can destroy their careers while inflicting serious health concerns.

Fighting this addiction is rudimentary for those who intend to pursue excellence in their athletic careers. Here are some of the ways that can help you fight drug addiction if you are an athlete.

Sign Up For A Treatment Facility

Accepting that what you are going through is a complicated issue that can only be resolved by seeking appropriate professional help, is the first and very crucial step in your fight against drug addiction. The next step is signing yourself up for an outpatient treatment facility. While intensive treatment programs can also be a viable option, however, an outpatient program will allow you to continue with your daily routine while attending the respective treatment.

Typically operating for 2 to 4 days per week, these outpatient programs help addicted athletes realize the consequences of substance abuse and motivates them to change their ways. This is extremely important because most athletes in their pre-contemplation stage of change will give up, if their will to mend their ways is not strong enough.

The program from there on proceeds to offer cognitive behavioral therapy which is aimed at helping addicts recognize and alleviate negative thoughts and behaviors. Multiple mental health targeted therapeutic programs additionally enables them to cope with stress and peer pressure while preventing addiction relapse.

Exercise to fight addiction

The effectiveness of exercise to help athletes fight drug addiction has also been proven by a study conducted on a group of individuals prone to substance abuse. A majority of them found that exercise helped in distracting them from the cravings.

A healthy workout routine helps to add structure to your everyday routine, gives you purpose, and keeps you focused on your goals. Most importantly, however, it helps addicts keep the withdrawal symptoms at bay, therefore, reducing the risk of relapse

Most drugs trigger the release of pleasure causing hormones. The effectiveness of exercise is also related to the release of dopamine and serotonin, the hormones that drive happiness and motivation within individuals, making workout a healthier source of the pleasure otherwise achieved from drugs. When used in conjunction with proper treatment for drug abuse, athletes can benefit a lot from exercising to fight addiction.

Treatment for co-occurring disorders

Alcohol or drug abuse that offers a short-lived relief is often adopted as a way to cope up with stress, anxiety or depression. As long as the athletes seeking rehabilitation fail to manage their co-occurring mental disorders, the risk of them developing a relapse when under stress will be there to stay.

It is therefore very important for the athletes to seek medical help to treat their mental disorders and find out better ways to deal with the negative energy around them. At this stage, a positive attitude and unrelenting support from family and colleagues can make a big difference. When you have your loved ones vouching for your recovery, your motivation increases ten folds and your commitment to making a change in your lifestyle, strengthens.

Become an ambassador for a drug rehab center

Looking at some examples of famous athletes who fought addiction, we find quite a few of them running their own non-profit organizations or charities to help others fight addiction. They prevent themselves as an example to others seeking recovery and are therefore less likely to destroy an image they have created of themselves.

Becoming an ambassador for a drug rehab campaign can help you become that symbol of hope for others. It would, in turn, help you stay on track as well during your rehabilitation journey and keep you motivated by providing you with a greater purpose to help other addicts get a shot at a better life.

Your journey towards rehabilitation will not be smooth, but the end results featuring a life without addiction is worth fighting for. 

Talk to Someone Who’s Been There. Talk to Someone Who Can Help. Scottsdale Recovery Center® holds the highest accreditation (Joint Commission) and is Arizona’s premier rehab facility since 2009. Call 602-346-9142.

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