
Heroin Addiction and Treatment

What is Heroin?

Heroin is a drug processed out of morphine, which is extracted poppy plants’ resin. The federal government has categorized it as Schedule 1 substance alongside cocaine and other drugs. In most instances, victims inject heroin into their body using syringes. It can be injected into muscles, veins, or under the skin. Heroin is mostly sold as a brownish of white powder “cut” with quinine, sugars, powdered milk, or starch. Heroin addiction is extremely dangerous.

In its purest form, heroin can be smoked or snorted and is usually more appealing to new users as it does doesn’t necessarily have to be injected, something that puts off most users.

How does Heroin Work?

Heroin affects the central nervous system, brain, and affects all other parts of the body. When you take heroin it gets into the circulatory system that transports it to the brain where it disrupts endorphin production and amount sent to the body. This action ends up creating more intense euphoria while suppressing physical pain and this makes heroin a very effective analgesic. As well, heroin suppresses the spinal cord and central nervous system. With this chemical, you will experience slowed motor function which explains why you feel out of it and so relaxed when taking heroin.

Heroin Tolerance

From available evidence, sustained use of heroin is very addictive. If you use heroin on regular basis, you may develop tolerance and dependence on it, which means you will need to take larger amounts of it to get to the same level of high. You may be psychologically or physically dependent on heroin, or both. If you become dependent on heroin it will take a control on your life and become far more important than any other activities in your life.

Psychological dependence means you will feel an urge to use the substance when you are socializing with users or in specific surroundings. Physical dependency means your body has adapted to the drug and is used to functioning with the heroin present.

What is Heroin Abuse?

Heroin is an illegal and very addictive substance. As much as it has a negative reputation for its adverse negative effects on the human body, it is one of the most abused drugs in the US.

No matter how heroin is used, it delivers potent effects very quickly. Because it is difficult to gauge the strength of heroin, users are always at risk getting a fatal overdose.

Heroin abuse results from the fact that it gives them immediate pleasurable feelings including a warm and calm feeling increased sense of confidence and well-being, surge of pleasant feeling commonly called the “rush,” and slowed feelings in the legs and arms.

Is Heroin Dangerous?

Heroin is one of the most dangerous illegal substances to humans. It is very addictive and with each subsequent use, the risk of dependency gets higher and higher. Users can inject, snort, or smoke it into muscles, under the skin, or veins. Whichever way you use it, you risk high psychological and physical dependence which may end up running your life.

High dependency on heroin may completely wreck your life, as you will no longer be able to do anything without taking substance.

Should I Stop Taking Heroin?

Heroin is a very addictive substance and no amount is considered safe. Even if you use heroin in the short term there are very high chances you will quickly develop tolerance to it. Heroin dependency is very easy to develop, as after each use you will need more of it to get to the same level of high.

If heroin use takes a hold on you, you will experience withdrawal symptoms within a quarter to half-day after using the drug. The withdrawal symptoms include:

– Increased heart rate and blood pressure

– Drug cravings

– Nausea and vomiting

– Moodiness

– Join paint, muscle spasms, tremors

– Stomach cramps

– Fever and chills

– Watery eyes, runny nose, sweating

– Yawning, restlessness, insomnia

– Diarrhea

Who Abuses Heroin?

Whites in their 20s that don’t live in urban areas

Heroin addiction and use is not limited to certain groups or people, but some groups appear to use it more than others. One of the biggest groups abusing heroin is whites in their 20s who do not live in large urban areas. Heroin use has moved to suburbs from inner cities as well as rural areas.

All groups of people

People with tendency to abuse drugs are likely to abuse heroin. Studies show that heroin can be abused by any person depending on factors such as environmental and company.

Quitting Heroin

Use of illegal drugs is always risky so the earlier you decide to quit the better for you. Like any other drug, heroin poses great health risk as well as exposing you to other risks such as infection from sharing drugs and getting arrested for possession and use of illegal substances.

If you are planning on quitting, it’s strongly recommended that you consult a specialist that can create a custom plan for you. Also, you can visit a rehab center as they specialize in helping people like you.

There is no standard treatment for heroin addicts; each of them requires a treatment that suits their needs. There are various therapies for heroin addicts including dual diagnosis, group counseling, 12 step programs, inpatient treatment, and individual therapies.

By having a customized recovery you increase chances of getting a full recovery so you can lead drug-free life once again.

Heroin doesn’t have long-lasting effects as it get cleared from the system after few hours. Withdrawal symptoms for heroin last for 6-12 hours after the last dose. The severity of withdrawal on average peaks is 1-3 days.

In most cases, withdrawal symptoms will go away in 5-7 days after last dose based on factors such as your physiology, duration of addiction, and amount used. A person that is very addicted may be admitted to a drug rehab.